Supporting artists and community arts programmes
Our work is focused on communities in Singapore and the region.

Community Cultural Dimensions is a continuation of Community Cultural Development (Singapore), set up as a not for profit in 2012.
CCD aims to:
- Support professional development for artists who work with communities.
- Support volunteer welfare organisations in the conducting and evaluating arts programmes for the communities they serve, such as seniors, youth, those with special needs and the incarcerated.
It does so by:
- Encouraging applied research methods as a means of critical evaluation and improvement of arts programmes conducted by artists.
- Promoting a person-centered approach in the planning, conduct and evaluation of arts programmes with communities.
CCD also endeavours to host mini-forum platforms to present best practices in Applied Research for Arts with Communities and approaches using the Person-centered framework, to further develop the professional capacity of artists-facilitators and arts educators in Singapore.

Collaborating Organisations
CCD / CCD (Singapore) has collaborated with organizations, such as UNESCO-NIE CARE, the Singapore General Hospital, Changi General Hospital, Ng Teng Fong General Hospital, NTUC SilverAce Senior Activity Centre (Taman Jurong) the Chen Su Lan Methodist Children’s Home, Dementia Singapore, Catholic Junior College and the Singapore Teacher’s Academy for the aRts to develop research, discourse and programmes to enhance arts practices with communities.