CCD (Singapore) has worked with the Chen Su Lan Methodist Home since 2010 to develop arts programmes for children and youth. CCD (Singapore) supports these programmes by locating and guiding suitable artists to pedagogically plan and conduct meaningful sessions for the participants.

The Artist-In-Us Programme is a yearly 5 month visual art programme for children and youth with special needs or learning difficulties. This programme promotes character development, encourages confidence, builds teamwork and paves the way to self discovery.

‘Stand & Speak’ and ‘Creating a Play’ (2012) were two youth programmes that developed drama skills. Conducted by Suzan Karim, Sarjit Vij & Eunice Hobday, ‘Stand & Speak’ encouraged the boys to develop skills in public speaking. ‘Creating a Play’ worked with the girls to create a play based on a story, “The Owl Who Was Afraid of the Dark?”. In both programmes, the youth were able to talk about fears, building up confidence and resilience towards a public performance held at the Home in December 2012.