Artist-In-Us Programme at the Chen Su Lan Methodist Children’s Home

The Artist-In-Us programme was conducted at CSLMCH between Jan to December 2018. The programme was directed and evaluated based on the 4 dimensions of growth – personal, social, cognitive and cultural dimensions. A total of 20 children took part in this programme that was conducted on Sundays. A full report on the development of the children was submitted to the Home for further evaluation and action. The programme was run by Lee Pheng Guan and Felicia Low.

Art Tuition programme at the Chen Su Lan Methodist Children’s Home

This programme provided mastery skills to four youth from the Home. 2 of the youth were prepared for their O level exams. The sessions were run by Felicia Low.

Percussion at the Chen Su Lan Methodist Children’s Home

One Heartbeat was engaged to work with 6 children from the Home over 10 weeks.

Drama at the Chen Su Lan Methodist Children’s Home

Drama Facilitator Alvin Tan and Rodney Oliveiro were engaged to work with 10 children over 20 weeks. The children performed a skit for the 50th Anniversary Dinner in December.